Austin Texas dirty sixth street

In the heart of Austin’s entertainment district, known as the Live Music Capital of the world, lies the infamous Dirty Sixth, a vibrant and bustling street known for its bars, clubs, and eclectic atmosphere. However, amidst the revelry and excitement, Dirty Sixth can quickly turn into a dangerous place, with intoxicated individuals, reckless drivers, and other factors posing risks of incidents and injuries. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, it’s essential to prioritize safety while navigating the lively streets of Dirty Sixth. From choosing safe transportation options to being mindful of the homeless population and intoxicated college students, taking precautions can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries.

As seasoned Austin personal injury lawyers, we at Byrd Davis Alden & Henrichson, LLP understand the importance of staying safe in bustling areas like Dirty Sixth. If you’ve been involved in a car accident due to a negligent driver’s actions, our experienced legal team is here to help. With our dedication to advocating for accident victims’ rights, we’ll work tirelessly to navigate the legal complexities and secure the compensation you deserve. Contact us today through our website or by phone to schedule a consultation and explore your legal options.

Tips on How to Stay Safe on Dirty Sixth

Over time, Sixth Street has gained notoriety for being the heart of the entertainment district in Downtown Austin. Casino El Camino is a popular bar and grill known for its huge cheeseburgers and vibrant atmosphere. Sixth Street can be described as the Bourbon Street of Austin. Maggie Mae’s is a popular music venue known for its live performances and rooftop patio. Bars, clubs, restaurants, and food trucks, live music events litter the entire street, making it the perfect place for a late night out. Midnight Cowboy is a modern-day speakeasy cocktail bar with a history as a secret brothel. While having a night out one can meet a number of characters that add merit to the “Keep Austin Weird” slogan. Pete’s Dueling Piano Bar is a lively spot for live piano performances and sing-alongs. People in elaborate costumes, performers, and kimchi fries can be found on Sixth Street on any given night. Velveeta Room is a popular venue for live comedy shows featuring both seasoned and new comedians. As entertaining and enjoyable as dirty 6th can be, it can also quickly become a dangerous place. Intoxicated people, reckless drivers, and a number of other factors can be the cause of incidents and injuries. 

Whether you are an Austin native or visitor, the following tips can help keep you safe while on Sixth Street.


When venturing downtown, carefully consider your method of transportation to whatever establishment you’re planning on attending. Driving your vehicle downtown can create more problems than it solves. Parking downtown can be a nightmare. Many bars and other venues have limited parking, especially for the number of people that visit the downtown area. Inflated parking prices and the threat of towing can be compelling enough for you to leave your car at home. There are a number of ways to arrive on 6th street. Taxi cabs, pedicabs, ride-share services (Uber & Lyft), buses, and your own feet can take you downtown safely.

Not only do you avoid the atrocity that is parking, but you can also avoid being in the midst of a reckless driver while driving home. Utilizing an alternative method of transportation can also protect you from encountering drunk and negligent drivers on the road. There are some areas downtown that can better accommodate those who drive themselves. West 6th and 4th Street (warehouse district) are more vehicle-friendly locations. By taking advantage of the various forms of transportation, you can fully enjoy happy hour and any other event and ensure a safe and good time.

Homeless population

Like most moderately sized cities, Austin has a growing homeless population. Downtown, especially on 6th Street, is a popular location for the homeless to congregate. Most of the homeless people are harmless and do not bother you if you do not bother them. However, there have been violent situations in the past that involved homeless people. Be respectful to everyone you meet on the 6th; this includes homeless people.

College students

Austin may not necessarily be a college town, but there is a large population of college students that occupy the city. The close proximity of the University of Texas to the downtown area means that college students spend most of their weekends downtown, ensuring that the area is busy and congested. Students in their college years want to create lasting memories with roommates and classmates. Some of these memories are made during drunken debaucheries downtown.

Intoxicated university students often feel invincible when downtown, which may lead to extremely reckless behavior. Some of these reckless activities include initiating bar fights, starting street fights, or aggravating police officers. Be aware of intoxicated college students and their potentially reckless behavior. One should note that college students are not the only people on the 6th who can engage in disorderly behavior.

How Does Liability Work in a Drunk Driving Accident?

When it comes to drunk driving accidents, liability is a crucial aspect that determines who is responsible for the damages and injuries incurred. Here’s a breakdown of how liability works in such cases:

Intoxicated Driver Responsibility

In most cases, the drunk driver is held liable for the accident. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal and constitutes negligence. If it can be proven that the driver’s intoxication contributed to the accident, they are typically held accountable for the resulting damages.

Social Host Liability

In some situations, liability may extend beyond just the intoxicated driver. Social hosts at a party who serve alcohol to guests may be held responsible if they knowingly provide alcohol to someone who is visibly intoxicated and that person later causes an accident. This concept, known as social host liability, varies by state but aims to hold individuals accountable for their role in facilitating drunk driving accidents. A bar may also be held liable under dram shop laws if they continue to service a visibly intoxicated individual.

Establishing Negligence

To establish liability in a drunk driving accident, the plaintiff (injured party) must prove negligence on the part of the intoxicated driver. This involves demonstrating that the driver owed a duty of care to others on the road, breached that duty by driving under the influence, and caused an accident that resulted in damages. Evidence such as police reports, witness testimonies, and chemical test results can be crucial in proving negligence.

By understanding how liability works in drunk driving accidents, victims can take appropriate legal action to seek compensation for their injuries, medical expenses, property damage, and other losses.

Contact Our Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Today

While Dirty Sixth in Austin, which stretches from Congress Avenue to I-35, offers a vibrant and exciting nightlife experience, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and awareness to avoid incidents and injuries. By choosing safe transportation options, being respectful to the homeless population, and staying mindful of intoxicated college students’ behavior, visitors and locals alike can enjoy Dirty Sixth responsibly. Remember, staying safe is crucial to enjoying any bar, restaurant, party, or any other event in the entertainment district to its fullest.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident on Dirty Sixth or anywhere else in Austin due to a negligent driver, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced team at Byrd Davis Alden & Henrichson, LLP. With our commitment to providing compassionate and dedicated legal representation, we’ll fight tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today through our website or at (512) 454-3751 to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward securing your legal rights.