Texas oil and gas workers face workplace dangers that may result in death or serious injury. To mitigate the risk of physical harm in the field, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration imposes strict drilling and servicing safety regulations on employers in the oil and gas industry.
We have experience in helping clients manage the consequences of oil field accidents.
What are some common injuries in the oil and gas industry?
Over half of all deaths in the oil and gas industry result from “struck-by/caught-in/caught-between” incidents that subject workers to risks from moving vehicles, falling equipment, and high-pressure lines. Workers may also be at risk of death or serious injury from several other hazards:
- Explosions and fires caused by the ignition of flammable vapors or gases
- Falls from elevated equipment like drilling platforms and masts
- Vehicle collisions involving travel to distant well sites
- The release of uncontrolled hydraulic, mechanical or electrical energy from faulty or improperly maintained equipment
- The lack of adequate safeguards on machinery
What kinds of safety guidelines has OSHA established for the oil and gas industry?
OSHA has adopted several standards and practices designed to promote safe oil and gas field operations. All employers in the industry must identify and evaluate their site-specific hazards and then develop and adopt suitable safety procedures. These procedures may involve providing personal protective gear for workers, adopting drilling standards and implementing training programs that cover topics like proper equipment use. Employers should also have emergency response procedures.
Employers in the oil and gas industry have the responsibility to adopt and follow protocols designed to protect workers from death or serious injury. Our website has additional information about this topic.