Drivers in Texas and across the U.S. are largely uneasy about traveling in a self-driving car. This is the crucial finding of a AAA study conducted in January 2020. It can prove educational for automakers and prompt them to give clearer, more tangible information with regards to self-driving vehicle technology.


Only 12% of survey respondents said they would feel safe in a self-driving car. Respondents gave their opinions as to what would make them feel safe: 72%, for example, said they would feel safe if the car let them take control in an emergency while 69% said they would want a human back-up driver in every self-driving car. Forty-seven percent would feel safer if a vehicle had passed rigorous testing while 42% said the same if they saw or participated in a safety demonstration.


The survey revealed what sort of things drivers want to know before getting in a self-driving vehicle. Fifty-seven percent wanted to know who would be held liable in a crash involving such a vehicle. Fifty-one percent were curious about what laws would be instituted to ensure safety in these vehicles. Forty-nine percent wondered how easily the vehicles can be hacked.


Self-driving cars are decades away from becoming an everyday reality. Still, AAA hopes that automakers will find better ways to connect with potential consumers.


Drivers should be aware that some car collisions involve semi-autonomous vehicles. Studies have shown how advanced driver assistance systems are causing inattention behind the wheel as drivers overly rely on these features, thinking that they make a car self-driving. Those who are injured at the hands of a distracted driver may file a claim because it’s clear that the other party was being negligent. They may want a lawyer to help them gather proof against the defendant.